No Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
Weekly, 30-45 minute episodes of Christian, Biblical Truth! No false teaching, no watered-down theology! It's time to take out the trash!! “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 Ministries is dedicated to getting rid of the lies of false teaching and believers being dumbed-down with watered-down theology that is being pedaled as "Christian.” To comprehend and appreciate who God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is, it is necessary to study the Bible; both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and live under its total authority. When we do, we see real life transformation happen!
Podcasting since 2019 • 286 episodes
No Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
Latest Episodes
Episode 285 - Give Voluntarily, Generously, Faithfully, & Cheerfully - Faith in Action Part 9
Let's face it, maybe no subject is more sensitive than our money - whether it's being asked to give money, getting scammed out of money, or deciding how much money you need to sock away for a rainy day. God blesses us with material possessions....

Episode 284 - Penitent or Pretending? - Faith in Action Part 8
How many of us as parents have said to our kids, "Are you really sorry, or just sorry you got caught?" Well, as Christians, we need to check our hearts and make sure when we ask God for forgiveness that we are truly penitent, and not just prete...

Episode 283 - Unmixed, Unadulterated, & Uncontaminated - Faith in Action Part 7
We hear all of the time that Christians are to be pure. Usually this is meant in the context of abstaining from sexual immorality, dressing modestly, and maybe curbing our language. But when you drill down into what being pure means and why it ...

Episode 282 - Be New & Get Out of the Way! Faith in Action Part 6
Have you ever thought about that when you were saved, you were made a new creation? God didn't just fix you up, dust you off, and make you look prettier, He made you a new creation!! What exactly does that mean and how should that...

Episode 281 - Prepare for Judgement - Faith in Action Part 5
We are saved by faith alone, in Christ alone, through grace alone. That is a certainty. We are not saved by any works we do. However, the works we do after we are saved are part of our progressive sanctification and do have eternal consequences...