No Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
Weekly, 30-45 minute episodes of Christian, Biblical Truth! No false teaching, no watered-down theology! It's time to take out the trash!! “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 Ministries is dedicated to getting rid of the lies of false teaching and believers being dumbed-down with watered-down theology that is being pedaled as "Christian.” To comprehend and appreciate who God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is, it is necessary to study the Bible; both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and live under its total authority. When we do, we see real life transformation happen!
286 episodes
Episode 285 - Give Voluntarily, Generously, Faithfully, & Cheerfully - Faith in Action Part 9
Let's face it, maybe no subject is more sensitive than our money - whether it's being asked to give money, getting scammed out of money, or deciding how much money you need to sock away for a rainy day. God blesses us with material possessions....

Episode 284 - Penitent or Pretending? - Faith in Action Part 8
How many of us as parents have said to our kids, "Are you really sorry, or just sorry you got caught?" Well, as Christians, we need to check our hearts and make sure when we ask God for forgiveness that we are truly penitent, and not just prete...

Episode 283 - Unmixed, Unadulterated, & Uncontaminated - Faith in Action Part 7
We hear all of the time that Christians are to be pure. Usually this is meant in the context of abstaining from sexual immorality, dressing modestly, and maybe curbing our language. But when you drill down into what being pure means and why it ...

Episode 282 - Be New & Get Out of the Way! Faith in Action Part 6
Have you ever thought about that when you were saved, you were made a new creation? God didn't just fix you up, dust you off, and make you look prettier, He made you a new creation!! What exactly does that mean and how should that...

Episode 281 - Prepare for Judgement - Faith in Action Part 5
We are saved by faith alone, in Christ alone, through grace alone. That is a certainty. We are not saved by any works we do. However, the works we do after we are saved are part of our progressive sanctification and do have eternal consequences...

Episode 280 - Be Useful & Confident - Faith in Action Part 4
Does God really use everyone to further His Kingdom? Are there incidences or circumstances that are justified reasons for not diligently working for God? What if we're really sick? What if we are mourning a devastating loss? What if we have emo...

Episode 279 - Smelly & Sufficient - Faith in Action Part 3
Christians should stink! Maybe not stink like sweaty teenage boys, but we should definitely be putting out a fragrance. Some will find that fragrance to be the aroma of life, while others will smell the stench of death. Our faith in action will...

Episode 278 - Flexibility & Forgiveness - Faith in Action Part 2
Scripture says we are to be people of our word. So why then does Paul go back on a promise and change his plans and say the change was to the glory of God? Join us as we delve once again in 2Corinthians to learn what Paul has to teach us about ...

Episode 277 - Comfort & Be Comforted - Faith in Action Part 1
Many Christians make a New Year’s resolution to have more faith, but what does that look like? What does that even mean? True faith will have fruits and good works that naturally come out of it because we are being sanctified by the Holy Spirit...

Episode 276 - Christmas Around the World!
Ever wonder how others around the world celebrate Christmas? What do they eat? How do they decorate? What Christmas songs do they sing? What are some of their ingrained traditions? What are some of the oddest traditions? Do they all celebrate o...

Episode 275 - The Catholic Church Through the 21st Century - Church History Part 10
We finish up our series on Church History by looking at the Catholic Church from the 18th Century through today. How is the Catholic Church fairing? Did the Roman Catholic Church coming to America cause any changes in the church? How did Rome r...

Episode 274 - The Protestant Church through the 21st Century - Church History Part 9
Almost immediately after the Protestant Church arrived in America, it began to have a huge impact. It also began to have issues with false teaching infiltrating it. Join us as we look at the good, the bad, and the ugly in the Protestant Church ...

Episode 273 - The Church Heads to America - Church History Part 8
We've spent seven episodes looking at the formation, the deformation, and the reformation of the church in Europe. In this episode, we look at how both the Protestant and Catholic Churches made their way to America and what their impact was. Wh...

Episode 272 - Reformation Faceoff: Roman Catholic vs. Protestantism - Church History Part 7
Martin Luther nailing his 95 Thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, was just the beginning! A tidal wave of Reformers and followers who wanted the Roman Church to reform was released! But the Roman Church did not passiv...

Episode 271- The Nail Heard Round the World! Church History Part 6
As we’ve seen, the roots of the Reformation go back to the 3rd century! Many men and women fought to reform the Roman Catholic Church, but because of the church’s intimidation and deadly tactics, these few and far between reformers were unsucce...

Episode 270 - Church History Part 5 - The English Reformation
Probably nowhere else was the Reformation ushered in for a more bizarre reason than in England! King Henry VIII, a staunch Catholic, was refused an annulment by the Pope for his first marriage. With the Reformation under way, King Henry broke f...

Episode 269 - Church History Part 4 - Pre-Reformation 1500’s: Italy, Spain, & Portugal
We continue our fly-by of countries in our Church History series this week looking at Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Despite dedicated and godly men rising up calling for the Roman church to stop the corruption and put themselves under the authori...

Episode 268 - Church History Part 3 - Pre-Reformation, France and Bohemia
Many think the Reformation began that day in Wittenburg, Germany when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the door of the church. But as we've seen in the last 2 episodes, there were some forerunners to Martin Luther who began to sound the al...

Episode 267 - Church History Part 2 - The Middle Ages - Late 4th Century to the 15th Century
The period from the 4th to the 15th Century is known as the middle ages, or dark ages. And dark it was! Both in the world and in the church. The absolute power of the Roman church absolutely corrupted it's leadership and clergy. But, God contin...

Episode 266 - Church History Part 1 - The Start of the Church - 4th Century
It's often said, there are no perfect churches, and if you find one, don't join, or you'll just ruin it. That the church has been "imperfect," has been true since it's inception. Almost right from the start, the visible church was infested with...

Episode 265 - Five Star Generals - Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 9
Where would our army be without our five-star generals?! Those courageous and heroic men who prepare and lead their troops into battle and onto victory! As Peter tells us, this is exactly what our churches need, too! Godly pastors who prepare t...

Episode 264 - Why Are You Suffering? - Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 8
They say the two things you can count on is death and taxes. But, if you’re a Christian, you. can add suffering to that list! We don’t all suffer to the same extremes or for the same length of time, but every Christian can count on suffering at...

Episode 263 - Weapons of Mass Destruction - Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 7
If recent events has shown us anything, it’s that sin is always crouching at our door, and we are all vulnerable to it. Mortifying and fighting our own flesh and sin is a constant war; but thankfully, God doesn’t leave us on our own. Along with...

Episode 262 - Fall in Line! Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 6
In the military, the term, “Fall in Line,” means to submit to the rules of a higher authority, to obey, to conform, to agree on a position. In his first letter, Peter tells Christians that we need to “fall in line,” when it comes to dealing wit...

Episode 261 - Band of Brothers - Prepare Your Mind for Action Part 5
In the military, men and women from very different backgrounds, education levels, family dynamics, and cultures have to merge to be one unit - when it comes to their mission, they essentially have to be same person. Paul and Peter were also ver...